The Amazing MLP Scavenger Hunt at APU!

We are thrilled to announce the collaboration between Antelope Valley Union High School District, Azusa Pacific University, and MPASS Education to create and host this year’s Amazing Race for MLP students.

The event will take place on December 5th and utilize the east campus of Azusa Pacific University.  We anticipate 150 high school students and 30 college students to compete in the event.

The Amazing MLP Scavenger Hunt is based loosely on the TV series “The Amazing Race” in that students race to locations to complete tasks that vary in physicality and cognitive demands.

Participants will demonstrate the characteristics of math literacy: critical thinking, communication, collaboration, perseverance, problem solving, and productive failure, as they work to complete each task and navigate within the race itself.

Below are a few comments students made following last year’s event:

“This event was amazing.  It showed me how much I really do know about math and how to work with others”

“The campus was so large.  This event gave me an idea of what to expect when visiting and selecting a college in the future.”

“We raced throughout campus.  We would disagree about how to get from one location to another, or about how to solve a problem, but we always pulled together and we won!”
